
Coastal Science & Engineering Applications


Estuaries and coasts are highly diverse and dynamic environments. There is an active research community seeking to understand the dynamics of these systems in terms of the governing physical processes, the habitats they provide and the species they support. Translating this Science and Engineering research into Applications is the motivation behind CoastalSEA.



Recent and ongoing projects include:

Research &

Ongoing research and development includes:

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Short courses:

* courses require access to Matlab(TM) or the ability to install an executable version of the code on a suitable pc.

For further details please contact us


All Apps available for download use the dstoolbox and the muitoolbox. An introduction to the dstoolbox is available here and to the muitoolbox here and both toolboxes can be downloaded here.

AsmitaASMITA stands for Aggregated Scale Morphological Interaction between Tidal basin and Adjacent coast. The model is used to examine long-tern morphological change in tidal inlets and estuaries. Rather than schematise a grid of the real-world bathymetry, the model uses elements that represent geomorphological components of the system such as channels, tidal flats, deltas, saltmarshes, etc. As such the model address changes to the sediment volumes in the estuary over long time scales (decades, centuries and aeons).Manual
ChannelForm ChannelForm provides a framework for studying estuary and inlet morphological landforms in the context of the surrounding landscape (valley and flood plain). A set of tools allow digital terrain models (DTMs) to be created from models or imported. Channel and Valley forms can be combined to create a landscape setting, which can also include a shoreface and channel meanders. A kinematic model is used to consider the migration of the channel under the influence of sea level change, taking account of sediment supply from the sea and river.Manual
CoastalTools The CoastalTools package was originally developed to access and manipulate coastal data, such as held by the Channel Coastal Observatory (CCO) and the British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC) and has since been extended to handle other common data formats. CoastalTools provides a User Interface for time series data analysis, with many of the formats that are in routine use in the UK and elsewhere provided for in the data loading tools. Several models that use the measured data as input are also provided. These provide the ability to estimate near shore wave parameters and properties that describe how the beaches are changing over time. The models generally use simple algorithms to transform the data and are not intended to be a substitute for more detailed coastal process modelling. The focus is very much on providing a means to rapidly explore the data that is now available from national archives.Manual
CSTmodelThis is a quasi-analytical hydraulic model for convergent tidal channels. It computes the mean tide level, high and low water levels, tidal velocity amplitude and river velocity along the length of the estuary using the quasi-analytical model of Cai, Savenije and Toffolon (hence the CST model) as described in (Savenije, 2005; Cai, 2014).Manual
ModelSkillModelSkill enables data to be loaded and then compared on a Taylor diagram. This form of plot was originally proposed for the comparison of model timeseries output (Taylor, 2001) and has subsequently been adapted for the comparison of morphological model outputs (Bosboom and Reniers, 2014; Bosboom et al., 2014). In this implementation the Taylor approach is used but modified in line with Bosboom of the analysis of grid and mesh data. The options include the ability to create and add points to a Taylor diagram, output the results to the Clipboard, and estimate global and local skill scores.Manual
ModelUIModelUI provides a demonstration using the muitoolbox of how to create bespoke interfaces for modelling applications that produce some combination of graphical and/or time series outputs. The muitoolbox is designed to enable the rapid prototyping of models by allowing the model developer to focus on the model, rather than the functional or operational needs of the software package itself.  To this end, the UI provides a standard interface with drop-down menus, tools to open and close files, keep track of model runs, provide a rapid means to implement model set-up and data import and export, derivation of new variables, and some basic plotting and statistical tools. The ModelUI package includes three example models to illustrate how to create and modify the UI for different applications. These include:
– VerticalProfile to illustrate the basic UI with a model producing spatial data;
– SimpleTide to illustrate handling timeseries data in a similar UI;
– Diffusion2D to illustrate how to handle time plus 2 or 3 space dimensions.
MRBreachMRBreach is an App to support the design of breaches in sea walls that are commonly required for managed realignment schemes. These schemes aim to increase the area of intertidal by allowing the sea back into areas of land that have been protected by sea defences in the past. It is usually impractical to remove the entire sea wall. There is therefore a need to determine the size of breach required to allow tidal exchange into and out of the site. In such design there is also the practical consideration of being able to construct the breach safely, in the time available over a tidal cycle. This piece of software implements a method proposed for the design of such breaches based on creating one, or more, stable channels into the site.Manual
SedToolsLoads settling column output files generates sediment grain size distributions and summary data using the method developed by Urs Neumeier at the University of Southampton (Neumeier, 2005).Manual
WaveRayModelWave ray tracing model to generate forward and backward tracking rays over a coastal bathymetry and transfer wave data to a neashore point.Manual


A summary of each Toolbox and App is available here.

By downloading any of the files below you are accepting the licence agreement for this software.

See our Privacy Policy here

The software packages have been migrated to GitHub. You can see all repositories at the CoastalSEA GitHub site. The table below gives details of the links to the individual toolboxes and Apps. There are two options to access these packages from the GitHub CoastalSEA site:

  1. You can clone the Toolbox/App repository to create your own Git version controlled working copy;
  2. Select the Releases link. The page with the latest release has the options to download the Matlab(TM) install file, or a zip file of the code for this release.
dstoolboxToolbox for dstables and associated tools.
muitoolboxToolbox to build bespoke model interfaces
AsmitaMorphological model for inlets and estuaries
ChannelFormApp to model marine transgression of an estuary channel within a valley
CoastalToolsApp to analyse coastal process data
CSTmodelHydraulic model for convergent tidal-rivers
ModelSkillApp to examine model performance using a Taylor Plot and Skill Score
ModelUISet of demonstration applications to illustrate use of muitoolbox
MRBreachApp to examine site hypsometry and design breaches for managed realignment sites
SedToolsApp to analyse settling column data
TableViewerApp to analyse tables of data loaded from text files, spreadsheets, or .mat files
WaveRayModelForward and backward wave ray tracing model

Use the links below to download training packs

CoastalTools training pack 1.02 26.04 MB 45 downloads
Training exercise and supporting data …
ASMITA training pack 1.02 5.88 MB 66 downloads
Training exercise with supporting materials …

Legacy versions of some software packages can be downloaded here

Latest news

TableViewer App added to suite

TableViewer App is a MatlabTM App to load tabular data from text files, spreadsheets and data held in a .mat files. This allows the rapid viewing of a range of default plots, interactive plotting and statistics tools and the ability to add bespoke analysis and plotting. The latter has the advantage that the functions and […]

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Toolbox and App distribution migrated to GitHub

The CoastalSEA toolboxes (dstoolbox and muitoolbox), together with the Applications that make use of these toolboxes have been migrated to GitHub. The versions at the time of this post, and some legacy versions, remain available from the CoastalSEA website. Ongoing development of the software will make use of GitHub repositories. This allows users to download […]

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Toolboxes and selected Apps Updated

Some packages have been updated. In most cases the changes are minor and entail additional checks and improved documentation. Toolboxes Apps

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CoastalSEA Apps package refresh

All packages have been updated. In some cases the changes are minor and entail additional checks and improved documentation. The more substantive changes are listed below. Asmita CoastalTools dstoolbox muitoolbox

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Asmita saltmarsh options extended

The ASMITA App update includes the following additions and fixes: Some minor fixes have also been made to the muitoolbox as follows:

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Dynamic exchanges added to ASMITA

The ASMITA App update includes the following additions and fixes: Some minor fixes have also been made to the muitoolbox as follows:

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