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New version of CoastalTools (version 1.7) now available

This includes some bug fix and minor change to the way beach volumes are calculated as detailed below:

Version Date Changes
1.7 Oct 2017
  • Minor correction to littoral drift calculation. Now uses Hsi for CERC, Sands and Kamphuis formulae and Hrms for Damgaard and Soulsby method.
  • Added Regression tab to Statistics GUI to provide simple regression models to be fitted to two variables, or cross-correlation between two variables.
  • Added several functions to manipulate timeseries data that can be called from Data Manipulation GUI.
  • Added functionality to include different file formats in the data Load and Add functions.
  • Added User Plot option and used this to provide plot of beach centroid movement (x, z) with time.
  • Changed volume calculation to compute x and z centroids instead of second x moment.
1.6.2 Feb 2017
  • Added class BKtsData to import data in BlueKenue ts1-ts4 file formats.
  • Added Tab to DataStats UI for Differences, where user selects a reference timeseries and a timeseries for comparison. The statistical results (, correlation and centred RMSE) are plotted in a Taylor diagram.
  • Fixed bug where data types UserData and Derived were not saved as part of project.
  • Updated beach types (FC flag) when loading CCO beach profiles.
  • Added option to clean up entries with no Data Type, or no Data Description using Project>Data List>Edit.
1.6.1 Feb.2017
  • Improved scrolling on ‘Calcs’ tab for Volume and Shoreline
  • Changed basis of normalised volume calculation. Now uses the maximum containing ranges for all profiles in the timeseries, rather than the ranges for each profile.
  • Corrected meta-data label for Shoreline position
  • Corrected bug in plotting using a log scale for the y-variable
1.6 Sep.2016 First release via