
Recent and ongoing projects include:

  • Development of the Coastal Resilience Model as part of the University of Southampton led CoastRes project. For further details see the CoastalRes pages on the CCO web site here.
  • Long-term morphological change of the Oka Estuary, Northern Spain, working with AZTI.
  • Morphological development of the prograding spit at Pagham Harbour on the South coast of the UK. This study examined the very rapid changes in the spit, over the last 10-15 years, to provide advice on how it might continue to evolve and the consequences of a breach (natural or human induced).
  • The genesis of Flora Bank at the mouth of the Skeena river, Prince Rupert, BC, Canada, in association with SedTrend, Canada ( ).
  • Ongoing development of the Estuary database and viewer .
  • Experimenting with different ways of predicting shoreline change working with the the group in Auckland on ShoreShop 1. See how this has been continued by the COMOMOLA network using Machine Learning and the ShoreShop 2 initiative.